Installing DMO Under Windows ============================ With version 2.1, DMO has now been tested under Windows XP. As a prerequisite, we strongly recommend downloading and installing XAMPP for Windows, which provides the MySQL, Apache and PHP that is required to run DMO. Note that we have not tested DMO with Internet Information Server (IIS), and that if installed, it must be removed before XAMPP is installed. Download XAMPP for Windows from Follow the instructions provided for installing XAMPP, then return to this point. After XAMPP is installed, download to your C: drive, and extract it into subdirectory DMO. Open a Windows command prompt, (click Run, "cmd"), then change directory into the DMO/Windows folder you just unzipped. This directory should contain the following files: dmo_install.bat LFX_config LFX_dbData.php LFXlink.php Note the following script assumes that you have installed XAMPP in C:\Program Files\XAMPP, and you are using the password "secret" for the database (you'll need to edit the file LFX_dbData.php if using a different password.) Don't forget to follow the instructions with XAMPP that tell you how to improve the security of your system, and change the passwords as soon as possible. Note also you need to edit php.ini to increase RAM available, and add the MultiViews option to httpd.conf, as explained in the documentation. Now run the script dmo_install.bat, and follow the instructions. When complete, DMO should be available via the Web interface, e.g.: http://localhost/dmo_new (normal HTTP) OR https://localhost/dmo_new (with SSL) Please read the other README file, and look at the DMO User Guide, which you can find in the docs subdirectory. Good luck, and enjoy using the DMO!