Lanifex Database of Managed Objects (DMO)

DMO stands for "Database of Managed Objects." This is a tool for documenting all objects within a data center. It provides an object-based overlay on a MySQL database, with a Web-based interface, which allows new objects to be defined in a hierarchy. Each object can have attributes defined, which are inherited by objects below in the hierarchy. Information can be imported in CSV or XML format, and reports can be produced in XML, CSV, PDF and HTML formats. If you like DMO, then you should also like one of our other products, the Outreach Project Tool, which is used to track project management and to support collaboration.


[ Introduction | Documentation | Download DMO | Maintainer | Related links ]


DMO uses PHP and MySQL to support documentation of all network and system objects within your computing environment. It offers a Web interface that enables easy navigation through objects, instances and attributes, with XML and access controls. This software has been tested, and runs on Solaris, Linux and Windows (using XAMPP).


For installation help, please refer to the Web-based documentation (also available as a PDF) in the docs directory, or the README file included in the DMO package. In addition, there is a README for Windows.

Here are some screenshots for the project.

Example of instance tree showing image

Graph of instance child objects

Example of dependencies graph between instances

Quick Access to definitions

Root of definition tree

The Documentation folder of the DMO package contains more information on how to use DMO. There is also a FAQ, and a ROADMAP of how we plan to develop DMO further. As a guideline on how DMO may be used, check out this PDF on using DMO for Risk Assessment. We also have a DMO Brochure in English (PDF) and German (PDF), and another German language Security Overview (PDF). In addition, full commercial support is available.

Download DMO

The latest released version is 2.2beta (November 29, 2005), which you can download from Sourceforge..


The current maintainer of DMO is
Paul Gillingwater (paul at lanifex dot com)
Please visit our Website (see link below) for more information on DMO and our other products.

Related links

We recommend the use of XAMPP as a nicely packaged distribution containing nearly all prerequistes for DMO, including Apache, PHP4 and MySQL.

XAMPP: Easy to install bundle of Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Another dependency is GraphViz.

DMO is Copyright (C) 2001-2005 by

CSO Lanifex GmbH

The DMO Project is proud to be hosted by